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Jenny Frye
Jenny Frye

Hello my name is Jenny. I am a Personal Mindset Coach/Mental Health Advocate. I joined this blogging community back in 2018 in hopes that individuals such as myself who have suffered trauma and abuse could find hope in knowing they are not alone. Throughout the years I have gained a tremendous amount of information regarding mental health.

By learning all the in's and out's of mental health, I have gained a much deeper understanding of a variety of ways to not only help my own self and mental health flourish but I have also gained the knowledge of different ways to help others grow in their personal growth and development, as well as their mental health. My passion has always been to make a difference in the lives of others as well as to be an inspiration for those who have lost hope and feel this life isn't for them.

I may just be one person out of the billions of people on this earth, but I have a powerful story of survival to share with the world. Through my experiences and my fight to survive despite facing adversity, I didn't give up. I have learned the importance of raising awareness, advocating for those who feel they don't have a voice, and offering my Personal Mindset Coaching Sessions. Join me as I continue to share my journey and work towards making a positive impact on the world around me.

If you are looking for a Mental Health Advocate? Look no further. Mental health advocates such as myself, can be a game-changer on your path to emotional well-being. I offer support, guidance, and can empower you to be on your journey towards mental health growth and development. If you'd like some assistance, feel free to contact me and we will schedule your free Consultation.

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Mindset Coaching Sessions

Personal Mindset Coach

Personal Mindset Sessions

With my coaching sessions they will be tailored to your specific needs. My services will involve: * Goal setting: Working with me as your coach to define SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) that are aligned with your values and aspirations. * Challenge reframing: Developing strategies to reframe negative self-talk and limiting beliefs into empowering mindsets that foster resilience and growth. * Action planning: Creating a concrete action plan to break down your goals into manageable steps and identify resources to support your progress. * Accountability: Establishing a system of accountability with me as your coach to stay committed to your goals and motivated to take action. In addition to the core elements mentioned previously, personal mindset coaching sessions may also incorporate: * Strengths identification: Recognizing and leveraging your unique strengths to build confidence and approach challenges with a sense of capability. * Visualization exercises: Enhancing your focus and motivation by creating a clear mental picture of your desired outcomes. * Journaling prompts: I will be guiding you through self-reflection exercises to gain deeper insights into your thoughts and feelings. * Progress tracking and celebration: Throughout our time together, I will be Monitoring your advancements as well as making it a point to acknowlede all your accomplishments to keep you motivated and we will celebrate your wins together. *No insurance needed Each session typically lasts about an hour, which in turn allows you as my client enough time to not only allow room for improvement but also enough time to accomplish a successful session. Your time and money are very valuable and I want my clients to receive the best quality out each session.



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Personal Mindset Coach

Hello, from your personal mindset coach, with my help we can unlock your full potential and achieve your goals! I’m here to provide support, encouragement, and practical tools to help you develop a positive mindset, build resilience, and overcome challenges. Let’s work together to create a roadmap for personal and positive mental health growth.

Personal Mindset Coach
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Personal Mindset Coach

Personal Mindset Coaching

Each session of Personal Mindset Coaching will involve the following: * Goal setting and clarification: Working with the coach to identify your desired outcomes and develop a roadmap for achieving them. * Self-discovery and reflection: Exploring your limiting beliefs, thought patterns, and motivations that might be affecting your progress. * Action planning and accountability: Creating concrete steps you can take towards your goals and establishing mechanisms to stay on track. * Mindset shift exercises: Engaging in activities and discussions designed to challenge negative thought patterns and cultivate a more positive and empowering mindset. In addition to the core elements mentioned previously, personal mindset coaching sessions may also incorporate: * Strengths identification: Recognizing and leveraging your unique strengths to build confidence and approach challenges with a sense of capability. * Visualization exercises: Enhancing your focus and motivation by creating a clear mental picture of your desired outcomes. * Journaling prompts: Guiding you through self-reflection exercises to gain deeper insights into your thoughts and feelings. * Progress tracking and celebration: Monitoring your advancement and acknowledging your accomplishments to stay motivated and celebrate your wins. *Side note-Each Session must be paid before services are rendered.


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Don't allow yourself to suffer in silence one more minute. Do yourself a huge favor and take the steps towards healthier mental health and personal growth and development. You must be aware, silence can perpetuate suffering. Take charge of your well-being and invest in strategies that promote mental health and personal growth.

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